We areatourcustomers‘ assistancealreadyat the device design stage. Thatiswhen we help to takeintoaccount the productionprocessrequirements, the testingprocess, to adjust the device design to optimise the labourintensity (sometimesradicallyreducing the productioncost).
At the initialstage we alsoreview the bill of materials (BOM) in order to detectelementsthatmaypresentpurchasingproblems (exceptionallylongleadtimes, discontinuedorphased out components, etc.) ordrawattention to particularlyexpensive materials. Considering the possibility of changingthemalreadyat the design stagereducescosts and the time-to-market for new products.
Ourmanyyears of activity in the field of distribution of electroniccomponentsis a powerfulknowledge and experiencebase in thisarea.
As a reliable partner we areawarethatboth high quality products and attractivepricesarenecessary for ourcustomers to achieve market success.
Whilemanaging the entireproductionprocess, we areconstantlylooking for ways to reducecosts in a mannerthatdoes not have the slightestnegativeimpact on the productquality. By verifyingpurchasingconditions, logisticsmethods and analysing the technologicalprocess, we identifyareaswhichofferpotential for savings and we work to reduce the totalcost for the customer.
The process of continuousproductionimprovementallows for regularreviews of manufacturingcosts, which in the case of stable, regularcooperationresults in verymeasurablesavings for ourcustomers, and for usitensuresgrowingrevenuesrelated to the competitiveness of ouroffer.
Engineering support
Ifyouarelooking for a design support, consultancy in solvingtechnicaldilemmas, youhavecome to the right place. Our engineering team supportsour EMS customers in the development of newproductversions, and JM elektronik providestraining for design engineersespecially in wirelesscommunicationtechnology and powersolutions.
As part of ourassemblyprocesses, we continuouslydevelopgluing, coating and pottingprocesses.
Theseareused to protectelectronic devices from negativeenvironmentalinfluences, from non-authorisedaccessorsimply in mechanicalassemblyprocesses. Thanks to ourexperience and the appropriatetools, we carry out processesadapted to the requirements of the application, set themup and controlthemautomatically. In the gluingprocesses we useroboticworkstations and dedicatedtools and jigsdeveloped by our team of engineers. Tens of thousands of coated devices haveenabledus to develop a vastexperience.
Tools making
When developing optimum assemblyprocesses, we oftenusededicatedjigs and tools to achieveexceptionalproductivity, error-freeassembly, and ergonomics. We haveourownmachinery and skilled in-house design engineerswhodevelop the necessarytools, jigs and fixtures.
The production processes are carried out in accordance with the relevant industry standards, best industry technical practices and our own expertise. The entire production area is protected against electrostatic charges (ESD). In addition to ESD protection, electronic components often need to be stored under suitable environmental conditions. We ensure controlled temperature and humidity.
Moreover, we apply in practice the best developed principles in accordance with 8D, FPA, PPAP, 5xWHY or Ishikawa.
We strive to trigger the potential of Lean Manufacturing in our employees to continuously improve the productivity of processes with special attention to quality.
“Our traceability system allows us to record the history of each and every product we produce. It allows us to analyse the material mix, the assembly operations performed, the quality control results. Just in case…”
Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain – the 5 elements that make up the 5S method that we have implemented in our production plant.
Introduction of the 5S technique is aimed at reducing waste, managing quality, enhancing organisational performance, as well as improving processes and eliminating those that do not add value to the product (or service).
5S also helps to increase the employees’ responsibility for the tools, activities and processes related to their work station.
In accordance with ourcustomers‘ preferences, we takeover from them the responsibility for providing the packagings, plastic housings, metal parts, etc.
For ourcustomers we can be the key to the market of localsuppliers of plastic and metal parts, packagingsmanufacturers. Ourcompanyislocated in the industrialcentre of Poland, in Silesia.
is not an hollow words for us
Each of our employees has signed a non-disclosure agreement, and our IT installations also cover this aspect of data protection.
When you entrust us with a project, you can be sure of our discretion, which is usually confirmed by an appropriate NDA agreement.
If the protection of your data requires extraordinary measures, we are ready to undertake them.